behind the lens

Jhayne Jhayne

Lensflower Photography was founded in 2011.

Jhayne is a professional writer and portrait photographer. Her work has been used by Adbusters, WIRED Magazine, The Vancouver Folk Festival, The Atlantic, LifeHacker, CanSecWest, and The World Health Organization. Past photography clients have included That 1 Guy, Gamelan Cudamani, and internationally renowned poet, Shane Koyczan. Despite not pursuing competitions or gallery showings, her work has been featured in a multitude of places, including Rise Up Fallen Angel, a multimedia presentation at the Centre For Performance Research in Brooklyn, NY.

lung, by jhayne            jhayne, by lung
lung, by jhayne holmes                                                  jhayne, by lung liu               

Part-time shooters:

Lung is an internationally award-winning documentarian photographer. His credits include First Place in the People Category of the 2010 Lux Awards, First Place in Professional Editorial: General News of the 2010 International Photography Awards, and winning the Personal Category of the 2010 PDN Photo Annual Contest. He is currently working for Lilypad Studios, out of NYC, and independently, at Lung Liu Photography


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